Saturday, April 16, 2011

April 16, 2011

April 16, 2011 our lives changed forever. Brooke decided that was the day she wanted to see what life was like outside the womb. Here are a few pictures from the best day of our life...the day we became parents.

Our immediate family, patiently waiting. Everyone was excited to become a grandparent or aunt/uncle that day! Looking back on it, they were real troopers. They waiting 12+ hours in that waiting room (something I would change if I could go back...I later learned that the nurses said they weren't able to disclose any information to them so they had NO idea what was going on or any progress we were making. I felt so bad that they were in the dark all day).

After 20+ hours of unmedicated natural labor it was determined that Brooke was tired and her heart rate wasn't bouncing back after the an OR was booked and I was prepped for a c-section.

Meeting the family!

It was the longest shortest day. The BEST day of our lives!

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